Environmental Health and Safety

Asbestos Waste Shipment Record (AWSR) Tracking System

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Transportation (DOT), and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulations require that information on Asbestos Waste Shipment Records (AWSRs) be complete and accurate.

Harvard University has developed a standard Asbestos Waste Shipment Record (AWSR) that is to be used by Contractors for all asbestos waste that is generated from Harvard University construction, demolition, or renovation projects. By utilizing this web-based system, the University is able to track regulatory compliance dates and ensure that all asbestos waste is being disposed of at Harvard approved disposal sites in an appropriate manner and timeframe.

Contractors must be pre-qualified to perform any asbestos abatement work and must attend an AWSR training session in order to get familiar with the web-based system, which requires a user identification and password to access.

For assistance or questions contact ehs@harvard.edu or 617-495-2060, option 0.

Contractor / Consultant / Disposal Site